Town Board seeks committee candidates

Following two resignations, the town board will seek candidates for an opening on the Board of Assessment Review (BAR) and another opening on the Planning Board.

Board members and Planning Board Chair Gabriella Sperry all shared appreciation and lauded the contributions of Fred Haimbach, of the Planning Board, and Steve Anderson, a long time member of the BAR, for their services to the town.

In other news, the board:

  • Approved the use of Crellin Park as the site of a April 3 road race co-sponsored by the Capital District Bicycling Club and Chatham Brewing. The vote was 3 approvals and 2 abstentions. A discussion noted that the organizers had fully complied with park regulations to sponsor an event where alcohol will be served under strictly regulated conditions. Two board members raised concern that any use of alcohol at the park might be incongruent with the use of Crellin Park as a site for wholesome and healthy recreational activities.

  • Discussed the creation of a Conservation Advisory Council to advise the board on development, management, and protection of the Town's natural resources. The board agreed on the value of such a council, but the perceived pros and cons of involving the NYS Department of Conservation as a resource to the Council as stipulated in state law raised concern for some. An edited version of the Council proposal will be presented at the next board meeting to try to reach consensus on how to structure such a committee.

  • East Chatham news: In response to a citizen's comments, Town Supervisor Collins said that traffic lights on the East Chatham bridge are operational, but will function for at least a week as flashing red lights 24/7, as stipulated by NYS law. Subsequently they will be programed per the original plan. Pedestrian safety and the design of the approach to the bridge from Rte. 295 remain outstanding concerns among some citizens of the hamlet.


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