Jamie Cheney visits Dems meeting
Chatham Dems heard from Jamie Cheney, candidate for the NYS Senate seat in newly redistricted Senate district 43, which includes the town of Chatham.
She expects to visit many venues in coming months to hear from voters. Cheney spoke to the needs of rural voters for improved infrastructure and affordable housing. She wants to advocate for rural NYS, and intends to champion an increase in medical services and other essential resources for rural communities when she is elected.
Cheney wants to advocate for the rural towns and villages in the newly redistricted 43rd. She believes that rural voices need to be heard both in the Democratic Caucus and the Senate at large.
She stated that population often drives funding, and so cities and suburbs get most of the programs since this impacts a greater number of people. She will push for a change in the formula to account for the rural nature of this district to bring more services and programs back to rural districts.
Cheney would like to work with neighboring districts to create a Hudson Valley Caucus, which would recognize the needs of our district.
She believes that working in partnership with communities on environmental issues such as recycling and renewable energy is critical. She hopes that the NYS senate can pave the way for communities to act to help our environment.
In other news:
As volunteers for the NYS Adopt a Highway program, Chatham Dems will sponsor their first highway cleanup in April 2022 on a segment of State Road 66 north of the Village of Chatham. Any community member is welcome to sign up to participate in this two-day community improvement project. (See separate article in this newsletter for details.)
Petitions for candidates who will be on the ballot in upcoming elections are ready for signatures by registered Democrats. The town committee is gathering signatures over the next two weeks. If you want more information or want to sign petitions, contact cindyb.chathamdems@gmail.com and she will arrange a petition to you to sign.