The meeting began with two public hearings on proposed local laws, which have been under consideration for months.
During the first Public hearing on a local law relating to manufactured home regulations, two citizens encouraged the board to approve the law to enhance housing opportunities and increase diversity and inclusion within the town’s population. Following passage of the law, several citizens thanked the board for approving new options for certain types of housing in the town.
During the second public hearing the board took on a local law extending the 6 month temporary town-wide moratorium on solar energy arrays. One person commented that the town board was taking too long to finalize a solar law for some types of solar applications and was “out of touch” with the needs of town residents.
· September 14, 2024 --The Climate Carnival will take place at the County fairgrounds in Chatham from 11 am to 3 pm. The carnival will feature a county wide free store, repair café, and various vendors related to climate issues.
· The 2023 Hudson Valley Regional Housing Market Report is currently available and will be posted to the town website. It documents the very limited options for affordable housing in both the rental and home ownership markets in Columbia County.
The board discussed the capital improvement priority matrix that the Finance and Planning Committee has been developing with town board input. The committee continues work to finalize this tool for prioritizing necessary capital improvements for upcoming budget planning.
Supervisor Collins said the 2025 town budget process will begin and unfold over the next few months. The town board will be meeting regularly and is required to accept a new budget by November 20, 2024.
With the additional funding for highway improvement from NYS, the Highway Superintendent proposed additional paving on a section of Albany Turnpike from Haddock Hill Road to CR 13.
Town Board member Eaton recommended that a test well be drilled on town land behind Town Hall to assess the availability of water on that site. He said that nearby wells in the area have variable depth and production. The board agreed to determine the advisability of drilling one or more wells after the board hears the conclusions of the initial engineering study on that property.
Eaton alerted the board that NYS allows for a real property tax exemption on newly constructed ADU housing and / or converted rental multiple dwellings (including 10 or more rental units). The board will discuss this further, relative to plans for housing development in the town.
Prior to public comment, Town Board member Werwaiss clarified that he missed one board meeting for a work event, and a second meeting for a family reunion.
A member of the public gave kudos to the highway department for a rebuilt bridge on Haddock Hill Road, which was completed with the help of other local highway departments.
A member of the public asked for clarification of the structure of the Town Recreation Department, particularly relative to the Director of Recreation, and requested a description of the duties and responsibility of that person. This issue came up relative to the out of repair fence that has been identified as a safety issue. She also noted that the amount of volunteer work that is contributed to the town park is a resource for the town, and suggested that the monetary value of that work be documented. Another citizen raised a concern about the amount of grounds and facility maintenance necessary at Crellin Park and said he thought the town board could give “serious consideration” to fund more maintenance work at the site. A follow up comment from Town Board member and Parks & Recreation Committee Chair Wapner supported this idea; he asked that the idea be included in upcoming town budget discussions.
At a citizen’s request for an update on short term rental regulation in the town, Supervisor Collins said that the compliance agency the town hired has identified 40+ short term rental properties actively operating in the town of Chatham. Compliance with application for permits is in process for some of these STRs, but not yet fully completed. Board discussion centered on the process of getting homeowners to comply with the law through education and notice to STR owners.
In response to a citizen’s query, the rationale for the local law extending the current 6-month solar moratorium was said to be for additional time to develop a law that will regulate solar energy arrays in the town.
In voting action the board resolved:
To pass the new local law to amend the Town code on manufactured home regulation with a vote of 3 to 2, with Wapner and Eaton opposed. The vote followed a discussion, with Town Board member Eaton saying that, in his opinion, the proposed law has proceeded too quickly and that he is concerned that it does not rule out potential problems with future development of mobile home parks in the town. Town Board member Wapner supported the change in definition of manufactured homes to allow them to be placed outside of mobile home parks, but said he preferred that changes in the broader zoning law of the town (which are included in the proposed town law) be made after they have been discussed and recommended by the housing / zoning committee(s). He said that he believes the zoning for mobile home parks needs to be considered more thoroughly and carefully prior to making changes in the zoning law as it relates to regulation of mobile home parks. The three other board members supported the law as a move to allow more affordable housing in the town.
To approve the purchase and installation of fencing at Crellin Park pedestrian entrance. Town Board member Wapner abstained on the vote, which passed with four board members in favor. Wapner said he agreed with making the repairs, but said the process of prioritizing work at Crellin Park continues to be a concern relative to planning for outstanding needs.
To approve an extension of the temporary town-wide 6 month moratorium on solar energy arrays.
To accept the resignation of Leila Connors from the Climate Smart Committee, with thanks for her many contributions to the work of the committee.
To approve additional paving of a section of The Albany Turnpike as requested by the Highway Superintendent.
The meeting adjourned formally prior to the board members meeting in executive session.