Report on Youth Focus Group

The turnout was small but lively for the Town Board’s focus group on youth, young adults and young families, held via Zoom on June 13.

Led by outside consultant Michael Allen, the two-hour meeting heard from three parents of young children, as well as eight older adults concerned about services and opportunities for young adults. Two of the Town Board’s five members attended.

One young mother lamented the shortage of preschool slots, noting that one program in town has a waiting list of 32.

All three parents spoke strongly for a community center, perhaps at Crellin, as well as a need for gathering spaces in Crellin’s current layout. “There is no place to be with other parents while children play,” one said.

“We need something like a YMCA,” said a parent. Other speakers echoed that sentiment.

Next up for seeking youth opinions for the town’s comprehensive plan update will be a questionnaire released this week by the board’s review committee. You can access it here:


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