Local Dems endorse four candidates but not Biden at this time
The Chatham Dems were excited to meet in person for the first time in months, andto convene at Democracy Headquarters (DH) at 2 Park Row in Chatham. The meeting was attended by familiar and new Democrats, all welcome to join in our work.
Those in attendance expressed an awareness and concern about developments in the presidential campaign and the recent Supreme Court rulings. An indication of the mood at the meeting was evident when the questionof endorsing candidates came up.
The assembled Chatham Dems voted unanimously to endorse four candidates running for office in
November: Josh Riley for CD 19, DIdi Barrett for New York State AD 106, Chloe Pierce for New York State AD 107, and Kirstin Gillibrand for US Senator.
However, a majority of those in attendance voted to table a motion to endorse President Biden for reelection, pending the outcome of the Democratic convention in August.
Democracy Headquarters is a lovely space that is jointly sponsored by the Chatham Dems, Indivisible Columbia New York (ICNY) and donors who support a place for organizing and working to elect Democrats up and down the ballot in November. Democracy Headquarters is the northern Columbia County location where campaign activities can take place, voters can learn more about upcoming elections, and people can congregate to do the work that it takes to get out the Democratic vote for the upcoming elections.
Other topics at the meeting included:
An upcoming transition for the Communications Committee to a new platform for
our usually weekly newsletter will take place within the next few weeks.Discussion of upcoming Summerfest on Main Street in Chatham Village. We need volunteers for the event and hope to see many voters visit our booth. See related article in this newsletter.
Decision to donate to local fundraiser for CD 19 candidate Josh Riley in New Lebanon on Wednesday, July 17 (see flyer in this newsletter—a big push for funding Josh’s campaign!). The event is cosponsored by Chatham Dems, New Lebanon Democrats and other individual organizers.
Current events at the Democracy Headquarters.
Review of recent primary results, including recognition that AD 106 challenger Claire Cousin secured a sizeable number of votes from AD 106 voters. They need assurance that incumbent Didi Barrett’s platform and legislative expertise will serve them in the future.
Highlighted the Columbia County Democrats Issues Committee work on a Housing Report for the county—currently in draft form and coming out soon.
Elections for Chatham Dems officers will take place in August, at the monthly meeting. A nominating committee is in formation at this time, and CD members are encouraged to join the committee by writing to cindyb.chathamdems@gmail.com.
Ideas to increase membership and volunteer force for the Chatham Dems were discussed, and plans to follow up are in the works.
All in all, it was a lively meeting, with dialogue and opinions on many topics of concern. We hope more registered Chatham Dems will join us at our August meeting on 8/29/24 at 6 PM. Contact Cindy Bobseine for details at cbobseine.chathamdems@gmail.com or read about it here!