Democracy Headquarters in the Village – Open for Business!
Jointly sponsored by the Chatham Dems and Invisible Columbia NY (ICNY), the office is located at 2 Park Row, Chatham. We offer local residents information on voting registration, absentee and mail in ballots, and campaign news and materials.
Equally important, especially in this crucial upcoming election, the headquarters will host a variety of opportunities to volunteer to work on federal and NYS level campaigns. At present, volunteers are writing postcards for our Congressional candidate Josh Riley (CD-19), who is facing off against Republican Marc Molinaro. We need all hands on deck to get Josh elected, to contribute to a Democratic majority in the House of Representatives.
Right now, you can stop in to write post cards to voters in support of Josh Riley, Democratic candidate for CD 19. We need him in the House of Representatives! This Sunday, 7/7, postcard writing sessions are open for volunteers from 1 – 5 PM.
Stop in whenever you have a little free time to write a few cards. We will provide everything you need, including straightforward instructions if you haven’t done this before. Help us get a Democratic majority in the House this November. Bring a friend! And Vote Blue, it’s good for you!
In the near future, the office will be looking for volunteers to staff the space and to respond to inquiries from drop-in visitors. Stay tuned to this newsletter for more information or inquire about upcoming activities and hours of operation by emailing