Do you need an absentee ballot?
Absentee Ballots
Do you need an absentee ballot? If you plan to be traveling or unable to vote in person during early voting (October 28- November 5) or on Election Day November 7, request your absentee ballot now.
EVERY VOTE COUNTS! Voter turnout in this year’s local county and town elections is critical. Democracy should not be taken for granted. We must set the path to win back the blue in Congress and hold the White House in 2024.
Request your absentee ballot online at
Important Deadlines:
October 23 – Applications by mail, fax, or online portal must be received by the Columbia County Board of Elections.
November 6 – Application in person at the Columbia County Board of Elections.
November 7 – Last day to deliver your absentee ballot in person to the Board of Elections or any poll site in Columbia County.
November 7 – Last day to postmark your absentee ballot.
November 14 – Your absentee ballot must be received by the Board of Elections
November 20 – Military voter absentee ballots must be received by the Board of Elections
*Note – New law in 2022 enacted by the State of New York for absentee ballot voting. A voter who has been issued an absentee ballot may not cast a ballot on a voting machine either in early voting or on Election Day regardless of whether the ballot was returned or not. The issuing of the absentee ballot triggers the restriction. A voter who has been issued an absentee ballot is permitted to vote by affidavit at Early Voting or on Election Day.