Covid-19 news, boosters in Columbia County
New cases increase
New cases of COVID-19 have increased, but Columbia County remains at low risk for those who are vaccinated. The unvaccinated are at a very high risk of contracting COVID-19.
The county tallied 106 new cases in the most recent week, up from 99 the week before and 45 a week before that.
County health director Jack Mabb remains optimistic that this surge will be short-lived. “Warm weather is coming, and with just three people in the hospital today and none of the three in the ICU, I think we're still in pretty good shape.” (Since his comment, two more Covid cases have entered the hospital, none in the ICU.)
Vaccination information
The FDA approved second booster shots for anyone age 50 and over and for immunocompromised people of any age. This booster is highly recommended for those over 60.
The vaccines, including the original series and first and second boosters, are available in Columbia County at local pharmacies and via the Columbia County Department of Health (CCDOH) at Columbia Greene Community College (CCGC).
The pharmacies recommend making an appointment via their websites, and CCDOH holds a weekly walk-in vaccine clinic every Thursday at CCDC, 3–5:45 pm.
For more information on the county vaccination clinics, go to the CCDOH website:
NYS and other vaccination sites:
Where to find testing
To send for free rapid home tests from the federal government:
Any residents with limited computer access who need assistance ordering at-home tests can call the Healthcare Consortium at 518-822-9600. Medicare recipients can get eight free home tests per month at any pharmacy; bring your (original) Medicare card.
NY State testing sites:
Other sites: