Coming Up in Chatham - 4.22.22
Chatham Town Board: Special Town Board Meeting BAR Interviews
(Apr 21, 5:30 p.m.)
Chatham Town Board: Town Board Meeting
(Apr 21, 6:30 p.m.)
Village of Chatham: Zoning Board of Appeals
(Apr 21, 7 p.m.)
Chatham Dems Adopt-a-Highway Event
(Apr 22, 9:30 a.m.)
Village of Chatham: Special Meeting of the Board
(Apr 25, 6 p.m.)
Village of Chatham: Planning Board Meeting
(Apr 25, 7 p.m.)
(Apr 26, 6 p.m.)
Chatham Town Board Climate-Smart Meeting
(Apr 26, 6 p.m.)
Chatham Town Board: Zoning Board Meeting
(Apr 28, 7 p.m.)
Museum Passes: Our local libraries have partnered with nearby museums to offer free passes. Take advantage of these options here:
Art: Patrick Neal “Atmosphere” (Joyce Goldstein Gallery)
(Apr 3 – May 7)
Art: T. KLACSMANN "HABITAT" Solo Exhibition (Thompson Giroux Gallery)
(Apr 9 – May 8)
Art Omi Presents: The Importance of Place (Virtual)
(Apr 28, 7 p.m.)
Chatham Dems Adopt-a-Highway Event
(Apr 22, 9:30 a.m.)
Film: Mothering Sunday (Crandell Theatre)
(Apr 22, 4 p.m.)
Virtual Family Cooking Class (Weekly/Fridays) (Hudson Area Library/The Sylvia Center)
(Apr 22, 5 p.m.)
Film: The Outfit (Crandell Theatre)
(Apr 22, 7 p.m.)
Film: Riverdance 25th Anniversary Show (Crandell Theatre)
(Apr 23, 1 p.m.)
Film: Mothering Sunday (Crandell Theatre)
(Apr 23, 4 p.m.)
Film: Donbass (Crandell Theatre)
(Apr 23, 7 p.m.)
Film: Mothering Sunday (Crandell Theatre)
(Apr 24, 1 p.m.)
Live Music + Wine – Michael Junkins (Sabba Winery)
(Apr 24, 3 p.m.)
Film: The Outfit (Crandell Theatre)
(Apr 24, 4 p.m.)
Adult Craft Night: Book Bouquets for Spring (Chatham Public Library)
(Apr 25, 6 p.m.)
Film: Mothering Sunday (Crandell Theatre)
(Apr 28, 7 p.m.)
Check out the complete listing of events for the upcoming week, from kids' events (crafting, book club, nature walks, storytime), to adult crafts, knitting, writers workshops, Mah Jongg, free computer help, and chair yoga/ZUMBA.