Chatham Dems meet 6-20-23

Chatham Dems will host a forum of the three Democratic Judicial Candidates for Columbia County Judge on Tuesday, June 20 at 7 PM.  County Judges preside over both civil and criminal cases.

Brian Herman, Michael Howard, and Mark Portin are competing for two slots on the Democratic line on the ballot in November. Two of the three will be selected through the Primary Election Tuesday, June 27 and by early voting.

The forum will take place at 7 PM at the Chatham Brewing Company on Main Street in Chatham Village following a 6 PM business meeting. Any registered Democrat who resides in the town of Chatham can attend the meeting at 6 PM; the agenda includes campaign planning information for the upcoming local election. The CBC is closed for business that night.

Any questions about the meeting or the forum, contact

Brian Herman

Michael Howard

Mark Portin


Repair Cafe in Chatham June 24


Town Board report June 15, 2023