Join Local Authors Gene Aronowitz, Phyllis Carito, Philip Palladino, and Al Stumph for a reading and book signing of their latest collection of poetry, essays, memoir, and fiction, Travel Light and Other Explorations.
Gene Aronowitz
During his 84 years, Genewas a jock in his adolescence, an underachiever in high school and college, andlater, the recipient of a master’s degree and a Ph.D. He was a U.S. Marinereservist, a social service and mental health administrator, a public official,and a management consultant. Aside from this book and a recent volume ofmemoirs, both in a literary vein, he’s the author or senior author of sixarticles in professional journals, and the editor or senior editor of fivebooks related to Mental Health. He’s married with 4 middle-aged progeny, playsthe harmonica and baritone ukulele, dabbles in genealogy, volunteers often andis a Course in Miracles practitioner.
Phyllis Carito
Phyllisis a Bronx Italian, a poet, writer, and educator. Her publicationsinclude poetry books: barely a whisper, and The Stabilityof Trees in the Winds of Grief; and a novel, Worn Masks. Otherpoems and stories have appeared in: “Gathering Flowers: Living with the Deathof a Child,” Passager Journal, Voices in Italian Americana, VermontLiterary Review, Inkwell Review and Trolley NYSWriter’s Institute. She lives in Kinderhook with her dog Kali.
Philip Palladino
Philipwas born and raised in Troy, New York. He has lived and worked in upstate NewYork his entire life, initially as a priest in the Roman Catholic Diocese ofAlbany. He married and embraced a career as a guidance counselor in Chatham,New York. His memoir Enjoy What We Have is a tribute to his late wifewho encouraged him to have fun. That fun has led him to travel and to loveanew.
Al Stumph
Alis among those who, after earning academic degrees and being ordained RomanCatholic priests, determine they have chosen the wrong profession. Shortlyafter that insight, Al married and found himself comfortably involved in childand adult welfare work for the next thirty years. In 2002, he set thatprofession aside and opened a lawncare business for the summer months, whileproducing and selling custom built wood furniture during Northeastern winters.Al’s essays, poems, memoir, and fiction have been published in newspapers aswell as professional and literary journals for the past fifty years. He has alsopublished four books and edited others. His grandchildren keep him in touchwith the beauty of our world.