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Columbia County NE Repair Café

The New Lebanon Climate Smart Communities Task Force has affiliated with other town CSC's to create Columbia NE Repair Café, a group that will host ongoing "repair cafés" in NE Columbia County.

Our next event will be in New Lebanon in the cozy indoor Farmer's Market at Fisher's Store, 528 US 20, New Lebanon, 12125 - we're calling this miniature repair café a pop-up. On Saturday, February 26, from 12-3, two or three local "repair coaches" will set up in a corner and consult and repair household items that need fixing. For free!

For this pop up, we will limit our repairs and consultations to lamp repair, and hand sewing: buttons, hems, patches on clothing, stuffed animals, quilts. Because our time and space will be limited, please let us know if you would like to come: sign up for a half hour slot by emailing Adelia Moore at (Drop-ins are welcome too, but you might have to wait until other repairs are completed).

Save the Date: The Columbia NE Repair Cafe will hold an event at the firehouse in Chatham on May 14.

February 26

Chatham Public Library: Ukulele Jam at the Valatie Senior Center for the Winter Months

February 26

Hawthorne Valley Farm "Winter Botany Workshop – Session I"