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North Chatham Library: Friday for Kids: Surviving on the Moon 101!

Surviving on the Moon 101

In this collaborative activity, students work together to solve a series of challenges grounded in real science about living and doing research on the Moon. Participants will assume the role of an astronaut at an outpost on the Moon. Challenges are based on scientific concepts connected to lunar exploration. As the team conducts research, a moonquake causes significant damage to the life support systems and survival requires teamwork. Can you work together to quickly restore the systems needed to survive?

Best for grades 2–8. Taught by miSci educators.

This supervised one-hour group at the library starts at 4:00 pm. Usually there will be some outside time to run around, followed by a craft inside and time to pick some books to take home. Parents should not be participating and so can look for books themselves inside or use the Little Library for quiet time.

miSci Libratory Explorers is supported with federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds allocated to the New York State Library by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS; and administered by Southeastern NY Library Resources Council.

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