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Columbia NE Repair Café

The Columbia NE Repair Café, sponsored by the Climate Smart Communities Task Forces of New Lebanon, Austerlitz, Chatham, and East Nassau, will host a "popup" small repair café at the indoor New Lebanon Farmers Market, 528 SR 20, New Lebanon, March 26, 12-3 p.m.

Volunteers from the community will repair lamps, and mend clothing or other textile items by hand or machine. Darning of socks and repair of knitted items will also be available. This is not a drop off service: "Customers" are expected to stay with the item as it is being repaired, socializing and perhaps learning a bit at the same time! Of course, they won't be able to resist shopping in the farmers market on their way in or way out. Repairs are free.

Advance signups are encouraged: that way you won't have to wait and we can be better prepared for your repairs. To sign up, email Bruce Shenker:

March 26

Chatham Public Library: Houseplant Adopt/Swap

March 26

Crandall Theatre: DOG