First focus group will target Seniors
The Town Board announced its schedule for focus groups to discuss the Comprehensive Plan Review and Update. First up: Seniors citizens.
Seniors focus group -- Monday, May 9 @ Crellin Park Pavilion 2-5 p.m. (Town Hall location as backup in case of rain)
CAP / Agriculture Focus Group -- Thursday, May 12 @ Berry Farm 5-8 p.m. (May 13th Rain Date)
Solar Focus Group -- Saturday, May 21 @ Tri-Village Fire Company 2-5 p.m.
Housing Focus Group -- Saturday, June 4 @ Tri-Village Fire Company 2-5 p.m.
Youth/Young Families - TBD @ Zoom
The board committee overseeing the Comp Plan update decided to focus this next phase of the review on topics like seniors, rather than on the needs of specific hamlets.