First focus group will target Seniors

Photo by fauxels

The Town Board announced its schedule for focus groups to discuss the Comprehensive Plan Review and Update. First up: Seniors citizens.

Seniors focus group -- Monday, May 9 @ Crellin Park Pavilion 2-5 p.m. (Town Hall location as backup in case of rain)

CAP / Agriculture Focus Group -- Thursday, May 12 @ Berry Farm 5-8 p.m. (May 13th Rain Date)

Solar Focus Group -- Saturday, May 21 @ Tri-Village Fire Company  2-5 p.m.

Housing Focus Group -- Saturday, June 4 @ Tri-Village Fire Company 2-5 p.m.

Youth/Young Families - TBD @ Zoom 

The board committee overseeing the Comp Plan update decided to focus this next phase of the review on topics like seniors, rather than on the needs of specific hamlets.


Crellin Park Children’s Garden Volunteer Day


Town Board will meet May 5