Town Board Actions

In its final resolution of the night, the board accepted a bid for the installation of a roof mounted solar system on the Town Highway Garage to Plug PV, one of three companies that submitted bids. The decision followed review of the three bids, discussion of the fact that there is accumulated funding secured by the Town through work of the Climate Smart Committee and aid from the federal Inflation Reduction Act (which will markedly decrease the overall cost of the project for the town), and a general agreement among board members that the time has come to approve this long planned project.

The board resolved to accept the lowest bid from Plug PV for the implementation of a minimum 52.2 kW roof mounted solar system for the sum of $126,560.00. In doing so, the board took another step toward energy independence, climate action, and the financial benefits this particular project will bring to the town. 

Earlier in the meeting, Supervisor Collins initiated a review of the proposed budget and identified proposed increases or lack of changes in budget lines. Board members raised questions and clarified the rationale for budget proposals.

One theme that was apparent across the budget discussion was that the board sees some increases in wages and salaries for many town personnel as appropriate, both to maintain a competitive edge relative to other local employers and to express appreciation for the work of Town employees.

According to the town calendar, the board will continue discussion on the proposed budget on October 10 at 5 PM and on October 24 at 5 PM (if necessary). The board will make final adjustments to the budget and then vote to approve a final budget by early November.

In other business:

·         Parks & Recreation Committee Chair John Wapner told the board that the 10/3/24 agenda included a committee proposal that sets out a process for approving Park Projects and Usage. He asked board members to review the proposal in preparation for a future discussion; and said he anticipates submitting a resolution to approve the recommendations of the committee.

·          Supervisor Collins said that the Town has been offered an additional storage shed for the Free Store purchased with contributions from the public. He clarified that the town is not allowed to fundraise, but may accept donations from the public that are earmarked for a specific purpose, as in this case. The donated shed would be used for overflow of donations and potentially have other uses in the future. Collins asked the board to approve the installation of the new shed.

 ·       Collins announced that the intersection of NYS Rte. 295 and New Concord Road had been modified by some NYS DOT activity to a degree that the town has received complaints from the public about how unsafe the intersection is with the modifications. The Town Highway Superintendent consulted with DOT and discussed possible remedies to the situation, which will require an engineering study. Collins asked the board to approve funding for that study.

 ·         Finance & Planning Committee Chair David Levow and committee member John Breault presented the board with the finalized Capital Project Priority Matrix, which was developed by the committee to assist the board in future planning for town needs that require significant financial resources.  The committee collated board members’ ordering of proposed projects by level of importance, perceived necessity or desirability relative to town facilities, and budgetary limits due to cost (with attention to the availability of  American Rescue Plan Act monies). The matrix is now available for board use in future planning sessions.  The board agreed to schedule a segment of an upcoming workshop meeting to review the matrix in light of planning needs.

 ·         The town will be working with the Columbia County Superintendent of Highways to make additional requests that the NYS Department of Transportation allow lower speed limits on certain roads in the town.

 In other formal action, the board resolved the following:

 ·         To authorize an Architectural / Engineering Supplemental Agreement with engineering firm Barton & Loguidice to provide professional services in the New Concord Road / NYS Route 295 intersection project up to an amount of $15,000.00.

 ·         To request that the NYS Department of Transportation establish / authorize a speed reduction to 35 MPH on Columbia County Route 32 between Woodward Road and the hamlet of North Chatham, where the current speed limit is 45 MPH.

 ·         To request that the NYS Department of Transportation establish / authorize a speed reduction to 30 MPH on the entire segment of the Albany Turnpike between the hamlet of Old Chatham and White Bridge Road.

The next Board meeting is scheduled for 10/17/24 at 6:30. Residents are able to attend in person or through Google Meet.


Town Board


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