Town Board Workshop Meeting
Photo by Pavel Danilyuk
Infrastructure and capital improvement planning for town facilities were the major topics at Thursday’s Town Board workshop meeting.
The board approved funding to replace the badly deteriorated Percy Hill shed for storing sand and salt. They approved a resolution to spend approximately $150K from current fund balances. Supervisor Donal Collins said that the town has “healthy fund balances” available in part due to county sales tax revenue and mortgage tax payments that were not anticipated and that accumulated over the course of the Covid pandemic.
The board decided to ask departments to prioritize a list of other capital improvements and to delegate responsibility for obtaining required bids on various projects in the near future.
They also agreed to work with the newly hired grant writer to prioritize grant opportunities that are most suited to town needs for improvements in infrastructure, capital improvements, and other identified needs.
A member of the public requested that the Supervisor provide an account of how much federal funding the town has received and anticipates receiving from the American Rescue Plan, which is part of federal Covid relief legislation. She also asked for specifics on what categories of spending are allowed for these funds and a description of the budget process the town board will use to allocate this money.