TB Collaborates

There was no public comment for the Town Board about the 2025 provisional budget at the Public Hearing on November 7. In a follow-up discussion, board members recognized Tammy Shaw of the Finance Department and Supervisor Collins for their "outstanding" work on the budget. In turn, Collins said Shaw deserved most of the credit due to her expertise at “making sure the numbers” work. 

Board member Werwaiss clarified that the budget allowed for two part-time highway department positions, rather than one full-time position that had originally been requested by the Highway Superintendent.  Supervisor Collins said that the two part-time positions yield more hours than a full-time position, and would save approximately $30,000 in benefits that would be required for a full-time position.  Collins said the latter option would put the budget over the tax cap. Highway Superintendent Fetzer said that he could make the two part-time positions work.

The board had further discussion about a part-time maintenance position created in the 2025 budget, specifically to address maintenance issues at Crellin Park, the Highway Garage, and Town Hall. In response to comments by board members Wapner and Eaton, Collins said that there is a job description for the position, and that the board would be able to assess how well the position addresses town maintenance needs after the position is filled and the person is functioning in the role.  Later in the meeting, the board voted unanimously to adopt the provisional budget as the 2025 Budget for the Town of Chatham.

Other topics at this workshop meeting:

Supervisor Collins presented several proposed allocations of the remaining ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) monies, which must be finalized by the end of the year.  He asked the board to consider those proposals and be prepared to vote in a future meeting in light of the matrix of prioritized capital projects that the board completed with the assistance of the Finance and Planning Committee. In discussion, the board largely agreed that many of the Town Hall improvements are desirable, but several board members indicated they may suggest other choices when the allocation of funds comes to a vote.

Board member John Wapner provided the board with  two proposed protocols that have resulted from the work of the citizens’ committees that he chairs. Both are available with the agenda packet.

The first protocol developed by the Parks & Recreation Committee addressed Park Projects and Usage. The protocol gives the Town Recreation Director the responsibility to review and manage requests for use of the park, while encouraging consultation with the Parks & Rec Committee as needed and, in certain cases, with the Town Board. The board agreed that the Recreation Director should have discretion to make decisions about spending some donated and granted recreation funds in many cases, and agreed that some editing of the protocol would clarify when this would be allowable. The board tabled approval of the protocol pending edits to clarify this issue.

The second protocol developed by the Communications Committee concerned correspondence to the board. The suggested protocol described how the board has shared this information with the public in the past, from full publication with the agenda to more limited information on the topic of correspondence and the writer.  The committee’s proposal offered another option to the board. 

The board had a robust discussion on the topic of disclosure of written correspondence, with a range of opinions about how or whether  to share this information with the public. The board agreed that any correspondence is available to members of the public through the Freedom of Information Law. Relative to other disclosures to the public, the board agreed to consult with the Town Attorney on language about how to best communicate to the public that any correspondence is public information, advice on how to address a writer's request to keep information confidential, and other issues that need clarification. This item is on the agenda for the next board meeting.

In other business, the board resolved:

  • To accept the financial abstract as presented to pay the Town bills.

  • To authorize a “Tax Cap” filing with NYS, showing that the 2025 budget does not exceed the maximum tax cap increase for 2025.

  • To approve renewal of Fire Company contracts with Chatham Fire Department, Niverville Fire Department, and Tri-Village Fire Department.

  • To approve an agreement that the County Treasurer will bill town residents for local rescue squad services and make payment directly for the town to the Chatham Rescue Squad and the Valatie Rescue Squad.

  • To request a speed limit reduction from 55 mph to 30 mph on Little Lake Road between SR 203 and the Kinderhook Town Line.

The next town board meeting is scheduled for 11/21/24 at 6:30.  A video of the 11/7/24 meeting can be accessed here.


Sam’s Letter


Town Board