Roll up your sleeves–

The Chatham Dems will be brainstorming best ideas and priorities in coming weeks, and we need YOUR input. Attend our caucus on Wednesday, 7/24 to meet up with local Democrats and offer your opinions on what will make a difference. 

Help out at Democracy Headquarters, co-sponsored by the Chatham Dems and Indivisible Columbia NY. Please check out the calendar at the Democracy Headquarters in Chatham to see how you can make a difference in getting out the vote for all of our candidates.

Help to Staff our Democracy Headquarters! 

Learn how or do what you know!

  • Set a time that fits your schedule to be at headquarters

  • Learn to help with voter registration

  • Help with sign making

  • Write postcards

  • Phone bank

  • Sign up with Indivisible Columbia NY and Chatham Dems to help out

  • Support events at headquarters

  • Distribute campaign literature and signs

  • Sign up here for a shift.

Write postcards!

This week: Thursday 7/25 -  Sunday, 7/28–Daily, from 1 pm - 5 pm – 

Focus is contacting 1000 CD19 New Yorkers to tell them how to register to vote

Canvass by phone or door to door for all or one of our candidates–your choice! 

  • There are regular opportunities to campaign for NYS Senate incumbent Michelle Hinchey and  NYS Assemblymember Didi Barrett and candidate for NYS AD 107 Chloe Pierce.

  • The US Congressional elections in November are key to keeping Democratic priorities in the forefront. Co 19 is a CRUCIAL RACE, and we need to electJOSH RILEY as CD 19 representative!

  • Work to RE-elect Senator Gillibrand as NYS Senator! 

  • We have experts with experience to help you learn how to work for the ultimate goal–electing Democrats, and gaining a majority in the House of Representatives and he US Senate.

This is your chance to make a difference in the most crucial election of your lifetime.

Stop in to chat, or contact Headquarters at or to share your interest and confirm your time at headquarters.


We are setting up shifts for the months of August and September. Pick a regular time every week of flexible times. Here’s the HQ Staffing sign up sheet.  Please fill it in with your preferences and it will go right into our scheduler. We’ll confirm your shift after we see everyone’s requests.  More than one person can volunteer for a slot.

There are  a few things you will need to know in the role of “HQ greeter” so would like you to participate in an orientation. Join us on Thursday July 25 from noon to 1PM at 2 Park Row, Chatham NY.  If you are unable to attend in person at that time, please email or text 518-721-2340 (with your full name and email) and we will set up another time for you to learn what HQ greeters do.

If you have any questions, please email or (Aileen Leventon and Val Wallin). 


Town Board Business


Town Board Business