Lots of Discussion

ZUC Committee Chair Angus Eaton gave an overview of the proposed laws and answered questions from the Board and the public. He said the committees are awaiting comment from the Town Planning Board (expected in January) prior to moving toward the next steps in a process that will lead to a board vote on the laws.

Eaton reviewed the current drafts of both the Accessory Dwelling Units law (ADU–version 4.2) and the Single Lot Exemption Law (SLE–version 4.30), highlighting changes that the Zoning Update and the Housing Committees have agreed to in recent meetings, primarily in response to public comment at the public hearing that occurred on October 19, 2024. The current edition of the proposed laws are found between pages 10 and 16 of the December 5, 2024 Town Board Agenda.

The ensuing discussion led to questions and recommendations from the board and public.  Some salient points included these:

  • A request for more clarity on the target income level for homes built under the ADU and SLE laws and a related concern that these types of housing may not address housing needs for workers and residents with lower incomes. 

  • A concern as to whether the working committee has given sufficient consideration to questions regarding the availability of water and the impact of additional septic systems to the areas where such housing would be allowed. One member of the public noted that the Comprehensive Plan Update committee had included a “Water Source Protection Plan” prepared by the NY Rural Water Association that provides information on the underlying water systems and aquifers in the town that could guide the location of new housing in the town.

  • A request for clarification as to where these two laws fit into a larger scheme of proposals to address the need for more housing at different price points within the town.

  • A related concern that the more basic work of zoning revisions might be necessary or desirable prior to proposing the specifics of the two proposed laws.

  • Questions about the status of an approved engineering study of town land relative to its suitability as a site for a planned residential development or a multifamily housing area; and a request for a legal opinion on what proportion of that parcel is considered “park” land vs. land that can be used as a site for certain other types of housing.

  • A request to reconsider a time limited tax exemption for property owners who build an Accessory Dwelling Unit. A tax exemption has been proposed as a financial incentive to encourage the building of an ADU.

  • A request for clear definitions and specifications be incorporated in the pertinent laws providing that the resulting housing may not be converted to small business locations.

In coming months, these and related concerns and questions will need to be addressed as the committees continue to receive feedback on these proposals and work toward affordable housing in Chatham. Residents are encouraged to read the laws and join in the discussions at town board meetings and at the as yet to be scheduled public hearing.

In regular business, the board resolved to approve the filing of several grant applications to supplement the Town’s budget for 2025. Three of the grants are targeted to improvements in infrastructure and maintenance at Crellin Park. 

The board authorized the Director of Recreation to apply for annual grants from the Bank of Greene County and Stewarts Shops, both of which offer annual grants for local initiatives. The board agreed in both instances to ask for monies for park maintenance and improvements.

The board also authorized an application for grant funding from T-Mobile that funds projects in local towns that build stronger communities. The Town of Chatham grant application will request money to make improvements to the swimming facilities at Crellin Park, as there is good use of the Crellin facilities by the public and the summer swim program. The grant funds could be used to build swimming infrastructure such as beach shades, changing rooms, outdoor showers, and boardwalks.

The board tabled a resolution to approve the annual licensing of a mobile home park in North Chatham, with the expectation that the owner would comply with recommended modifications resulting from the annual inspection of the mobile home park. Some board members said it was not clear if safety and compliance issues had been addressed by the owner since the Building Department had provided the mobile home park owner with requested changes with a 10 day response window; and there was no information available as to whether the owner had responded to the citation. The board voted to table the motion until the next board meeting on December 19, 2024 to await an update from the Building Department regarding the owner’s response to the notice on requested modifications.

In other resolutions, the board scheduled the Annual Organizational Meeting of theTown Board for Thursday, January 2, 2025 at 6:30 pm; adopted the Correspondence Protocol offered by the Communications Committee, as discussed in previous board meetings and accepted the financial abstract as presented in order to pay Town bills.

In old business, Supervisor Collins showed some of the initial graphics and format that is in the works for the newly designed Town of Chatham website. Board feedback was positive, with requests for additional updates as the website design and content evolve.

In new business, Collins noted that the next town board meeting on December 19, 2024 will include a review of the Town’s application to install solar panels on the Town Garage, a project that will require an exception to the Town’s solar moratorium. The board will discuss the rationale for this action, and will schedule a public hearing on this application as well. 

The final town board meeting of the year will take place on December 19, 2024 at 6:30 pm. The public is invited to attend in person or online. All details are found on the Town calendar, including the agenda and related materials for the meeting, and an option to sign in online.


TB Organizing:


Board works to balance -