Coming Up in Chatham - 3.11.22
Houseplant Donation Drive (Chatham Public Library)
(Mar 1 – 26)
Town of Chatham: Finance & Planning Committee Mtg
(Mar 11, 1 p.m.)
Town of Chatham: Comprehensive Plan Update (PUBLIC MEETING)
(Mar 12, 2 p.m.)
Claverack Democrats: Virtual Brunch w/ Special Guests
(Mar 13, 11:30 a.m.)
Town of Chatham: Shredding Bins at Town Hall
(Mar 14-March 25)
Museum Passes: Our local libraries have partnered with nearby museums to offer free passes. Take advantage of these options here:
Art: Mimi Graminski, Nancy Andell & Carey McKinley (Joyce Goldstein Gallery)
(Feb 12 – Mar 19)
Art: Dan Devine “The Fifth Revolution” (Thompson Giroux Gallery)
(Mar 5 – Apr 3)
Ukulele Jam at the Valatie Senior Center for the Winter Months (Chatham Public Library)
(Mar 12, 10:30 a.m.)
Shaker Museum: Shaker Pi Day (VIRTUAL)
(Mar 14, 4 p.m.)
Art Omi Presents: A Musical Collaboration Across Countries (Virtual)
(Mar 17, 2 p.m.)
The Serious Side of Food, a Reading and Discussion Group (Chatham Public Library)
(Mar 14, 6:30 p.m.)
Columbia-Greene Workforce NY Outreach Appointments (Chatham Public Library)
(Mar 15, 10 a.m.)
Helping Hands Housing Initiative with Columbia County Habitat for Humanity (Chatham Public Library)
(Mar 15, 6 p.m.)
Know Before You Grow (Virtual) (North Chatham Library)
(Mar 16, 10 a.m.)
Check out the complete listing of events for the upcoming week, from kids' events (crafting, book club, nature walks, storytime), to adult crafts, knitting, writers workshops, Mah Jongg, free computer help, and chair yoga/ZUMBA.