Chili Fest drew 75 for lively evening

Town Board candidate Angus Eaton tells crowd why they should vote — and vote for him, Chris Spencer and John Wapner.

An enthusiastic 75 people gathered on Tuesday for the Chatham Dems Annual Chili Fest at the Chatham Brewing Company on Main Street. 

They enjoyed a selection of homemade chilis, toppings, corn muffins and breads, and desserts, along with good conversations with old friends and newcomers.

When it came time to hear from the candidates, Supervisor candidate Chris Spencer started off addressing the crowd, and was followed by Town Board candidates Angus Eaton and John Wapner.  They all spoke to a consistent campaign theme: how town government can be more effective and responsive to the community. 

Then came District Attorney candidate Chris Liberati-Conant and County Court Justice candidates Brian Herman and Mike Howard. 

Each member of the Democratic ticket gave the same message: 

Elections matter! Your vote matters! Keep working to help the Democrats to be a force in town and county government! 

Judi Matthews ended the evening with a ringing request for continued volunteer efforts by everyone present—to get our candidates from door to door, to canvass for our candidates with voters, to publicize early and election day voting, and to get out the Democratic vote. See the article on Canvassing for more information on Volunteer activities.


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