Chatham Dems meet the candidates
Head table: candidates Angus Eaton and John Wapner, and president Cindy Bobseine
Chatham Dems met virtually and in person at the North Chatham Library Thursday evening. The opportunity to hear from the candidates being recommended to the Democratic caucus drew over 30 people.
After President Cindy Bobseine welcomed the group, both newcomers and regulars, the majority of the meeting featured introductions and comments by the three candidates.
Prior to the main event of the evening, Town Chair Joanne DelRossi confirmed that the Chatham Democratic caucus will be held on Saturday May 6, 2023 at 12:30 pm. It will take place at the Tri-Village Fire Company, located at 111 CR 13, Old Chatham. She urged everyone to come to participate and to support the candidates selected for recommendation to the caucus.
After a review of the committee process to choose our recommended candidates, chair Bart Thibadeau introduced the three candidates. After each spoke to the group, the audience asked questions.
Chris Spencer
Town Supervisor candidate Chris Spencer detailed his experience working on several organizational boards, and his volunteer work with a number of local organizations such as the Chatham School District Board of Education and Friends of the Tracy.
Chris cited his success in “getting things done” by collaborating with others, and said he’s committed to doing what’s good for the town. He said he and his wife chose to live in Chatham prior to the birth of their fourth child because they liked the history and uniqueness of Chatham.
He said the town faces many challenges, and has a variety of resources to meet them. He looks forward to meeting voters and discussing their concerns during the campaign, and joining with other community leaders to address those needs.
John Wapner
Town Board Member candidate John Wapner cited his six years as a Town Board member and eleven years as a member of the Chatham Central School District Board of Education, including serving as President for nine years.
He is currently a member of the Town Communications Committee. John has an ongoing interest in improving the unique recreational resources in Chatham, and serves on the boards of Chatham Area Recreation Project and Chatham Dirt Road Coalition.
He wants to improve park facilities and highlight the recreational opportunities for biking, walking and horseback riding on the town’s dirt roads. He said he would work with the board to address clearly needed zoning changes in order to manage growth while maintaining the character of the town.
Angus Eaton
Town Board Member candidate Angus Eaton gave an overview of his lifelong residence in the town of Chatham. As the member of a close-knit family of hard working farmers who were tied to the land, Angus learned to appreciate and champion the natural environment, both personally and through his work with the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, where he last served as Director of the Water Resources Bureau of Water Resource Management.
Angus currently serves as deputy chair of the Planning Board for the town, and is active on the Chatham Climate Smart Committee and the Chatham Comprehensive Plan Update Committee. He is regularly involved in getting out information to town residents related to environmental issues, new technologies, and ways to conserve energy; and wants to continue to move the comprehensive plan into actual zoning law that will benefit the town.
In other news:
Town Board members Destiny Hallenbeck and Rick Werwaiss discussed their committee work on the board and took questions from the audience. They both urged people to attend board meetings to hear what the board is addressing, and to raise any concerns that they want to have addressed.
Events committee chair Betsy Winters Russell asked for volunteers to participate in the April 21 Adopt a Highway clean up project on Rte. 66, north of the village. Volunteers will meet at Crellin Park at 9:30, and hope to make efficient work of the cleanup. A rain or snow date is scheduled for Sunday April 23 at noon.
Communications committee chair Tom Ehrich reported that the committee is gearing up for the upcoming campaign, and is focusing on maintaining regular newsletter editions, facebook postings, and websites for the candidates. He asked for anyone with online and social media skills who could assist the committee to contact him at