Chatham Dems elect officers
Chatham Dems held a hybrid meeting on Nov. 14, with most meeting in-person at the canvassing office at 2 Main Street, in Chatham, and the rest online via Zoom.
Officers re-elected
Chatham Dems re-elected officers for the next year:
President, Cindy Bobseine
Chair, Joanne DelRossi
Vice-chair, Bart Thibadeau
Vice-president, Teresa Barensfeld
Secretary, Judi Matthews
Treasurer, Angus Eaton
Membership committee formed
A new Membership Committee was established, with Carol Moore named as Chair. She asked that any interested members contact her at The committee will meet to finalize a statement of intent, to include reaching out to new town residents, increasing membership in the Chatham Dems, and recognizing contributions to the work of the town committee.
Return signs
Yard signs for the General Election should be returned as follows:
Return complete sign (printed section and stand) from Hinchey and Barrett campaigns to Joanne Del Rossi’s front porch, 100 Kinderhook St.
Return metal stands only for Riley, Hochul and Cochrane; also to Joanne’s porch.