Board approves new Solar Law Committee
The Town Board moved efficiently through the posted workshop agenda on June 6, with minimal public comment.
In business, the Board:
Established a citizen’s advisory Solar Law Committee (SLC) to coordinate development of a solar law for the town. Board members recognized that the Solar Moratorium established earlier this year allowed for 6 months for development of a solar law, and time is passing. Originally, the Zoning Update Committee (ZUC) was expected to develop the solar law, but with the current focus on zoning updates that could allow for a greater range of housing options in the town, ZUC Chair Angus Eaton recommended a smaller planning group to focus on developing a draft solar law. The SLC will coordinate with the ZUC and other board committees as needed.
Members will include Chair Angus Eaton, Town Supervisor Donal Collins, and citizens Lee Gagne and Deborah Conrad.
Approved the annual “Park Day” at Crellin Park on August 17, 2024“ to encourage and foster community participation in the town owned Crellin Community Park”.
In a separate resolution, the board approved a special use permit to allow alcohol be served by Chatham Brewing, LLC at the event from 4 pm to 8 pm, under limited conditions set forth in Town policy. Recreation
Committee Chair John Wapner said that a final schedule of available activities on Park Day will be available to the public soon.
Tabled a discussion and decision on whether the Town Board can or should have the jurisdiction to hear appeals and variance requests under the NYS Unified Solar Application and permitting process, which the board adopted previously. Supervisor Collins recommended that the board hear about this proposal and have an opportunity for legal guidance from Town Attorney Tal Rappleyea, who is expected to attend the next Town Board meeting on June 20.
Received bids on an environmental assessment of a town property parcel for a potential site of future housing from Housing Chair Hallenbeck and agreed to review for vote at the next board meeting.
Heard an update from Finance and Planning Advisory Committee Chair David Levow on preliminary responses from board members to a prioritization of large projects that are identified as needing town board attention. Board members agreed to submit additional input for discussion at the next board meeting.
Supported a request from the Climate Smart Committee to fund a booth and related materials at the Chatham Village Summerfest on July 13, to promote Climate Smart initiatives with local citizens.
Heard a reminder from Housing Committee Chair Destiny Hallenbeck and ZUC Chair Angus Eaton that their committees have been meeting jointly, and will be presenting information on their work to date THIS SATURDAY, June 8, from 2 pm to 4 pm at the Tri-Village Fire Company in Old Chatham. They both stressed that the forum information “is not a final product” of the committee work. Rather, the presentation is designed to update the public on the work to date, and to hear feedback and suggestions from the public